How Many Toes Does a Cat Have?

Cats are fascinating creatures with an array of unique characteristics, and one of the most interesting features of a cat is its feet. Whether you’re a new cat owner or a seasoned cat lover, you may have wondered: How many toes does a cat have? The answer is a little more complicated than you might think! While most cats have a standard number of toes, some cats have a genetic variation that gives them extra digits. In this blog post, we will explore the number of toes on a cat, how these toes function, and some fun facts about polydactyl cats—those with extra toes.

How Many Toes Does a Cat Normally Have?

Most cats have a total of 18 toes. This is divided into five toes on each front paw and four toes on each back paw. The front paws are equipped with an additional digit, often referred to as a “dewclaw,” which functions similarly to a thumb. Although the dewclaw doesn’t touch the ground, it helps cats grip objects, climb, and perform other tasks that require dexterity.

A Quick Breakdown:

  • Front Paws: 5 toes each (4 regular toes + 1 dewclaw)
  • Back Paws: 4 toes each

Each toe has a sharp, retractable claw that cats use for hunting, climbing, and defending themselves. These claws are also useful for grooming and scratching as a form of communication.

What Are Polydactyl Cats?

While most cats have 18 toes, some cats are born with more. These are known as polydactyl cats, a term that comes from the Greek words “poly” (meaning many) and “dactyl” (meaning fingers or toes). Polydactyl cats can have as many as 28 toes!

Polydactylism is a genetic trait that is passed down from parent cats. It’s caused by a dominant gene, meaning that if one parent carries the polydactyl gene, there’s a good chance the kittens will have extra toes. These extra toes are usually found on the front paws, but they can also appear on the back paws.

Fun Fact:

Polydactyl cats are sometimes referred to as “Hemingway cats” because the famous writer Ernest Hemingway was a fan of these multi-toed felines. He had several polydactyl cats, and to this day, the descendants of those cats still live at the Hemingway House Museum in Key West, Florida.

The Role of Cat Toes in Daily Life

Your cat’s toes and claws are essential tools that they use for a variety of purposes. Here’s a closer look at the different roles that their toes play:

  1. Climbing: Cats are natural climbers, and their toes are a crucial part of this ability. Their sharp claws give them a firm grip on surfaces, allowing them to scale trees, fences, or even furniture.
  2. Hunting and Catching Prey: In the wild, cats rely on their toes and claws to catch prey. The claws help them snatch and hold onto their target. Even indoor cats have this instinct and may use their claws when playing with toys.
  3. Balance: Cats are known for their grace and agility, and their toes help them maintain balance. Whether walking along a narrow ledge or jumping from one surface to another, their toes and claws work in unison to provide stability.
  4. Grooming: Cats are meticulous groomers, and their toes play a role in this, too. You’ve likely seen your cat licking its paws and using its claws to clean hard-to-reach areas.
  5. Self-Defense: Cats use their claws for protection. When a cat feels threatened, they may swipe with their claws to defend themselves. Their claws are a critical part of their survival instincts.

FAQs About Cat Toes

1. How many toes does a cat have on each paw?

Most cats have five toes on each front paw and four toes on each back paw, for a total of 18 toes. However, polydactyl cats may have more than 18 toes due to their genetic condition.

2. Can a cat have extra toes?

Yes, some cats are born with extra toes. These cats are known as polydactyl cats. Polydactyl cats can have 6, 7, or even more toes on each paw, with the most common occurrence being extra toes on the front paws.

3. How common are polydactyl cats?

Polydactylism is relatively rare, but it is more common in certain parts of the world, such as North America and the United Kingdom. In some areas, sailors believed that polydactyl cats were good luck, which may have contributed to their spread.

4. Are extra toes a problem for cats?

In most cases, having extra toes does not cause any health problems for cats. However, in some polydactyl cats, the extra toes may have abnormally placed claws that require extra care or trimming. It’s always a good idea to check your cat’s paws regularly and consult a vet if you notice any issues.

5. What is the world record for the most toes on a cat?

According to the Guinness World Records, the cat with the most toes had 28 toes. This cat, named Jake, had seven toes on each paw!

6. Can cats lose toes or claws?

In some cases, a cat may lose a toe or claw due to injury or illness. If this happens, it’s important to consult a vet to ensure the wound heals properly. A missing claw or toe doesn’t usually hinder a cat’s ability to walk, climb, or play.


So, how many toes does a cat have? The standard number for most cats is 18 toes, with five on each front paw and four on each back paw. However, polydactyl cats can have more than this, sometimes even up to 28 toes! Whether your cat has the typical 18 toes or a few extra, their paws are an essential part of their daily lives, helping them climb, balance, and protect themselves.

Understanding the unique anatomy of your cat’s feet can help you care for them better. Regularly check your cat’s paws and claws, and keep them trimmed if needed to avoid overgrowth or injury. Cats rely on their toes for many tasks, and healthy feet lead to a happy and active cat.

By knowing how many toes your cat has and learning about their behaviors, you can appreciate their feline grace and agility even more!

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